The Cosmic Bush Hog Information On The Edge

Welcome to my blog on the latest ground breaking events on our planet and how they affect humanity as a whole. I will post headlines and articles about cutting edge technology,politics,social events,disasters natural or otherwise,and then post my thoughts on the subject.Feel free to post your own comments and views on these articles,as your feedback is very important .All I ask is ,please keep posts relative to the article in question,and stay on target.Please refrain from profanity and/or derogatory remarks as this is a blog for all audiences. You may include links in your posts as long as they are relevant to the topic of the article in which you post.I will only post articles from reliable news sources on and offline,so if you see it here then it's a real issue that our species as whole should know and be open for discussion.I hope that this blog is an enjoyable and informative resource.Thanks and Enjoy.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

I'ts Easier to get forgiveness than permission?

Google's robotic cars have logged over 200,000 miles on roads in California and Nevada in testing without any legal permit. The cars aren't legally forbidden so Google apparently was,"in limbo". Venture capitalist and autonomous car enthusiast Steve Jurvetson said, "There was no permission granted for any of that to happen by anybody," 
He went on to add,"It's essential that there be a place to do tests," he says. "There's two ways to do it — the seek-forgiveness strategy and the seek-permission strategy. Frankly, the 200,000 hours I think that have been driven here in California — that's a seek-forgiveness strategy. Right?"(NPR News Report Interview)
The testing of new technology is normally performed in a controlled environment,where if something goes wrong no one's wife or kids get hurt.I personally think this is very irresponsible behavior from an organization that has always been thought of as having a very good business ethic. Crowded streets,roads,and highways in my opinion are not the place to test beta hardware and software in control of a three thousand pound vehicle cruising at seventy miles per hour.Apparently if you have the right amount of resources and influence there's no need to consider laws or the repercussions of an unseen defect or malfunction resulting in the injury or death of someone in the public. I am just glad i don't live in a state that is issuing "Lerner's License"for robotic cars. Please post your thoughts on this issue,I want to know if everyone views this as I do or if I am upset in error.
Also another disturbing statement made by Jurvetson," One day we may be asking ourselves if humans should still be allowed to drive"
Some of us might actually enjoy driving . Is this the direction that our country needs to go?Not only will technology like this bring the end of truck driving jobs,taxi cabs,moving van rentals,limousine drivers,and bus drivers. It also increases our dependence on computer controlled machines which makes our society very vulnerable to unforeseen circumstances;("Solar Flares"and other natural phenomena ).It's my best guess that these autonomous vehicle will operate in communication with outside information sources which means terrorist attacks by"hacking" will be a huge threat to human life. If you think hackers can be outsmarted ask "The DC Elections Board" and see what they say.  
What do you think about this issue? Please feel free to voice your opinion wheteher in agreement or against your opinion is respected and appreciated.

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