The Cosmic Bush Hog Information On The Edge

Welcome to my blog on the latest ground breaking events on our planet and how they affect humanity as a whole. I will post headlines and articles about cutting edge technology,politics,social events,disasters natural or otherwise,and then post my thoughts on the subject.Feel free to post your own comments and views on these articles,as your feedback is very important .All I ask is ,please keep posts relative to the article in question,and stay on target.Please refrain from profanity and/or derogatory remarks as this is a blog for all audiences. You may include links in your posts as long as they are relevant to the topic of the article in which you post.I will only post articles from reliable news sources on and offline,so if you see it here then it's a real issue that our species as whole should know and be open for discussion.I hope that this blog is an enjoyable and informative resource.Thanks and Enjoy.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Telescope;The VST Telescope

The VST Survey Telescope,is a visible light telescope equipped with an Omega cam camera and is now the largest telescope on the planet.It's the new piece in ESO's Paranal Observatory and has already produced some very impressive photographs.

The VST survey telescope will cover a wide range of wavelengths from ultra violet through visible to almost infra red. The telescope will cover a wide view of the sky quickly and in deep focus making it a telescope for studying movement of objects through space.Some scientists believe it will be used to give early warning of impending impacts of the Earth from space born objects such as asteroids and meteors.

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